Once a company has been imported, prepare a Comparison Report to view the differences between the company's details on CAS 360 and Companies House.
For information regarding the process of importing companies via Companies House, press here.
From the Main Toolbar, go to Company. |
Select Add Company |
Click the toggle to import the company from the Companies House, then search for the import company then select Compare.
CAS 360 will check the company information in the software against the records in Companies House. Any discrepancies will be highlighted in red.
If the information in CAS 360 is incorrect, update it within the software. If the error is in Companies House, make the necessary changes through their online portal.
The Comparison report is seperated into four sections:
General Details will compare the following details:
- Company Name
- Company Number
- Company Type
- Company Status
- Incorporation Date
- Confirmation Date
- Registered Office Address
- Name
- Residential Address
- Service Address
- Date of Birth
- Position
- Status
Officers will compare the following information for Corporate Officer Contacts:
- Name
- Address
- Position
- Status
- Name
- Residential Adress
- Service Address
- Date of Birth
- Notified as PSC
- Type
- Nature of Control
Exporting the Comparison Report
The Comparison Report is able to be exported PDF if preferred to be exported.
To export the Comparison Report, navigate to the bottom of the table and Select .