How do I lodge a Charge that has been entered into CAS 360?
Charges can be lodged in CAS360 for the following forms:
- Register Particulars of a Charge (MR01)
- Register of a Charge: Property or Undertaking Acquired (MR02)
The Charge needs to be entered into the Company Info screen. For more information on this process, see the following article:
Once the Charge has been entered, this can be lodged via the Documents screen.
Note: Presenters and Certifiers
Please note that any Presenters and Certifiers need to be entered into CAS360 before attempting to lodge a charge.
- Presenters are added under Settings > Lodgement / Agent Settings.
- Certifiers are added in the Contacts screen.
From the Main Toolbar, go to Documents |
Locate the document created related to the charge:
- Select
- Fill out the Authentication Statement, ensuring to select a certifier and completing three questions relating to this certifier:
- Upload the relevant documents relating to the charge.
- Once complete, click Lodge.
Please note that Documents are limited to the following requirements:
- Document names cannot be longer than 35 characters.
- Document files cannot be larger than 25mb.