When you prepare any document in CAS 360 you can pre-set document reminders for your clients. This includes all Company Change Documents, Confirmation Statements and even Trust Documents.
- Multiple reminders - You can pre-set up to 6 separate reminders for each document.
- Control when reminders are sent - You can select the date and time you want the reminders to be sent out.
- Email, SMS or Both - You can specify if you want to send reminders by email, SMS or both.
- Templates - You are also able to select which email template you would like to use for sending the reminders.
- Send To - You are able to control who the reminders are sent to.
How does this work?
When preparing documents in the Document Production screen, simply click beside Download All or Send All and select Set-up automatic document reminders.
CAS 360 will open the Add Automated Document Reminders screen.
Manage Automated Reminders
Once the reminders have been created they can be found in the Pending Outbox screen.
From the Main Toolbar, head into Messages | |
Select Pending Outbox |
From this screen, you can view all pending reminders, see when reminders are going to be sent, and even change the details of the reminders or delete them.
Click on the reminder's Subject to quickly view the reminder details.
Beside a reminder, click
- Select Edit to view and edit the reminder details.
- Select Delete to delete the reminder.
Advanced Filters
The Pending Outbox also has a range of Filters:
Filter your Pending Outbox to display all the messages that are scheduled to be sent out to clients within the next day, week or month | |
Filter the Pending Outbox to display only Email messages that are scheduled to be sent to clients within the next day, week or month | |
Filter the Pending Outbox to display only SMS messages that are scheduled to be sent to clients within the next day, week or month |
Add Automated reminders to existing documents
You can also add Automated Document reminders to documents that have already been created.
From the Main Toolbar, head into Documents |
Beside the document, click
And select Add Automatic Document Reminders
This can also be managed from Company Documents