How do I enter a Charge into CAS 360?
First, access the company info screen by:
Navigating to Company from the Sidebar | |
Select the Company from the list. |
Select Company Info |
Then select the button and click Charge.
This will open the Charge pop-up
* All fields with a single asterisk are mandatory
** Either the Charge Number or the Charge Code must be entered.
Charge Details
Field | Explanation |
Charge Number** | Input the Charge Number. |
Charge Code** | Input the Charge code. |
Charge description* | Input the description of the Charge |
Date Created* | Input the date the charge was created |
Date Registered* | Input the date the charge was registered |
Type of Charge* |
Select the charge type from the following options*
Created by* | Select whether the charge was created by an instrument or no Instrument. |
Chargee details
Field | Explanation |
Chargee/Trustee* | Input the contact that is the Chargee/Trustee. |
Previous Chargee/Trustee | Input the previous contact that was the Chargee/Trustee |
Add Chargee/Trustee | Allows for more contacts to be input as Chargee(s)/Trustee(s) |
Property details
Includes the following fields:
- Date Property Acquired
- Description
Debenture Details
Includes the following fields:
- Resolution Date
- Covering Instrument Date
- Description
Satisfaction Details
Includes the following fields:
- Satisfaction
- Date of Satisfaction
- Person Delivering
- Person's Interest in the Charge
- Short Particulars of the property or Undertaking Charged
Release Details
Includes the following fields:
- Extent of Release
- Date of Release
- Person Delivering
- Person's Interest in the charge
- Short Particulars of the property or Undertaking Charged
Once all the necessary data has been entered, click or
This charge is then added to the Documents Screen. For instructions on how to lodge this, see:
Forms Prepared
CAS 360 will display the Document Production screen and automatically select the documents required.
- Cover Letter
- Directors Minutes or Resolution
- Members Minutes or Resolution
- Form MR01 - Particulars of a charge (will not be prepared if there is no information entered into the Satisfaction Details tab or the Release details tab)
- Form MR02 - Particulars of a charge subject to which property or undertaking has been acquired (will be prepared if any information has been entered into the property details tab)
- Form MR04 - Statement of satisfaction in full or in part of a charge (will be prepared if there is information entered into the Satisfaction Details tab)
- Form MR05 - Statement of release in full or in part of a charge (will be prepared if there is information entered into the Release Details tab)